The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich

The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich

Author:Eugene Ehrlich
Language: nld
Format: epub, mobi, pdf
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


oak, pertaining to an quercine

oar n. scull

oar-shaped adj. remiform

oath n. voir dire

oath, taking an juration

oatmeal n. flummery

obedience n. Bushido, deference

obedient adj. deferent, deferential, duteous, dutiful, malleable, obsequious, submissive, subservient, tractable

obituary n. necrology

object v. demur, expostulate, remonstrate, scruple

objectify v. 1. externalize, rationalize; 2. embody

objecting adj. exceptive

objection n. cavil, censure, demur, qualm, remonstrance, scruple

objectionable adj. noisome, odious

objective adj. disinterested

objects, everyday realia

obligated adj. beholden

obligation n. corvée, noblesse oblige, onus

obligatory adj. imperative, incumbent, irremissible, mandatory

oblige v. constrain

obliging adj. complaisant

oblique stroke solidus

oblivion n. lethe, limbo

oblivious adj. abstracted, unmindful

obnoxious adj. odious

obscene adj. blue, fescennine, ithyphallic, lascivious, prurient, raunchy, salacious, scurrilous

obscenity n. ordure, scatology, smut

obscure adj. abstruse, arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, Delphic, elliptical, enigmatic, equivocal, esoteric, fuliginous, inglorious, inscrutable, murky, occult, oracular, recherché, recondite, tenebrous

obscure v. obnubilate

obscured adj. perdu, turbid

obscurity n. obliquity

obsequious adj. abject, deferential, fawning, groveling, menial, servile, subservient, sycophantic

obsequiously, act kowtow

obsequiousness n. obsequence

observant adj. 1. perceptive; 2. punctilious

observation n. espial, introspection

observe v. 1. espy, reconnoiter; 2. introspect, opine; 3. solemnize

obsess v. besot, preoccupy

obsession n. idée fixe

obsolete adj. superannuated

obsolete, make supersede

obstacle n. abatis, impediment, pons asinorum

obstetrician n. accoucheur, gynecologist

obstetrics n. tocology

obstinate adj. balky, crabbed, fractious, froward, intractable, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, pervicacious, recusant, refractory, restive, stolid, unregenerate, willful

obstreperous adj. blatant, clamant, heckling, refractory, vociferous

obstruct v. encumber, filibuster, obturate, obviate, occlude, oppilate, preclude, stymie, thwart

obstruction n. embolism, embolization, embolus, encumbrance

obstructionist n. filibusterer

obtain v. beguile, exact, inveigle, wheedle

obtrusive adj. impertinent, intrusive, officious, protrusive

obtuse adj. insensitive, purblind

obvious adj. axiomatic, blatant, egregious, flagrant, manifest, obtrusive, palpable, patent, prima facie, transparent

occasionally adv. betimes

occult adj. cabalistic, metaphysical, supernatural

occult learning gramarye

occupant n. denizen

occupation n. métier

occupy v. engross, immerse

occur v. eventuate, materialize, supervene

occurrence n. contretemps, eventuality, incidence

occurring annually etesian

occurring suddenly fulminant, precipitate

ocean n. Davy Jones

ocean current El Niño

ocean farming mariculture

oceans, pertaining to pelagic

odds and ends flotsam, rummage

ode n. monody, parabasis, parodos, stasimon (see also poems and poetical terms)

odometer n. perambulator

odor n. gaminess

odorous adj. rammish, rank, redolent

off-color adj. risqué

offend v. affront, chafe, disoblige, incommode, nettle, pique

offense n. pique, umbrage

offense, apt to take umbrageous

offensive adj. crass, fetid, fulsome, invidious, mephitic, noisome, objectionable, odious, scarlet, unsavory, vexatious

offer v. bestow, proffer, propound, tender

offer n. proffer, tender

offering n. altarage, corban, oblation, offertory

offhand adj. extemporary, extempore, impromptu

office n. magistracy, pontificate, prelacy, prelature, priorate

officer n. bailiff, jemadar, justiciar, justiciary, manciple, prior, propraetor

officers, one of three triumvir

official adj. bona fide, ex officio

official n. bashaw, chamberlain, chiaus, dewan, Dogberry, functionary, gabbai, gauleiter, hayward, hierarch, induna, intendant, jemadar, Junker, macebearer, macer, mandarin, Master of the Revels, ombudsman, ombudsperson, ombudswoman, palatine, panjandrum, pasha, Pooh Bah, proconsul, procurator, prothonotary, provost, pursuivant, reeve, sacristan, steward, vizier, waldgrave

offset v. counterpoise, countervail

offspring n. get, issue, progeny

offspring, producing philoprogenitive

oil n. chrism, citronella, oil of catechumens, oil of the sick

oiliness n. lubricity, unctuousness

oily adj. lubricious, oleaginous, pinguid, unctuous, unguinous

ointment n. nard, pomade, pomatum, salve, unction, unguent

old adj. long in the tooth, patriarchal, superannuated, venerable

old, become superannuate

old age senectitude

old-fashioned adj. antediluvian, antiquated, archaic, fusty, moss-grown, obsolescent, oldfangled, passé, superannuated

old man Methuselah, patriarch, whitebeard

Old Testament Septuagint

old woman babushka, beldam, biddy, crone, dowager, Elli, matriarch

old-womanish adj. anile

olive, stuffed pimola

olive-shaped adj. olivary

omen n. augury, bodement, boding, foreboding, foretoken, portent, presage, presentiment, prognostic

ominous adj. bodeful, direful, fateful, inauspicious,


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